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Episode 14: “Everyone is a Creative”

Podcast - Lisa Segal v2

Episode Summary

Creativity is life’s primary force. Everyone is a creative, because creativity is problem-solving. Problem-solving is working within a set of restrictions. Sexuality itself is creative, beyond procreation. All your life experiences are available to you each time you solve a problem. In this charming and enlightening discussion with Lisa Segal, about the creative force within us all, we unearth some of the secrets for artistic expression. The interview weaves Lisa’s talents as a poet, author, artist and sage about the joys of aging and the importance of art as an element of a joyful and fulfilling life.

Presenter Bio

Lisa Segal is a Los Angeles poet, writer, and fine artist with a degree in Library and Information Science. She has published two poetry/prose collections and a textbook for the Jack Grapes’ Method Writing Brush-Up class that she teaches through the Los Angeles Poets and Writers’ Collective. Having won prizes for her poetry (which is beyond amazing!), her poetry and her fine artwork appear in anthologies and journals. As a founding member of StudioEleven, a Los Angeles artist collective, she also exhibits her artwork regularly. Lisa is a word genius and her poetry and prose add depth and precious value to our lives. Her books include: Metamorphosis… (, Kicking Towards the Deep End, Trips, and Side-Eye on the Apocalypse, as co editor. Jack Grapes; Level One Method Writing: The Brush-Up Book is forthcoming on Amazon in 2021. P.S. Dr. Patti has a piece in that anthology!