Get your Sizzle back!

Create your best life and business through coaching, training, or mentorship with Dr. Patti Britton.

Get your Sizzle back!

Create your best life and business through coaching, training, or mentorship with Dr. Patti Britton.

Find the path back to your PASSION…

Feeling bored in the bedroom?

Stuck in your sexological career?

Have you lost the spark in your relationship or your business?

You’re wishing you could find your way back to the passion you felt when you began.

Instead, you’re just tired, or close to burning out, or frustrated that you’ve plateaued.

You’re wrestling with the disheartening thought that this lackluster state is all there is. 

You wonder if you’ll ever again feel that exciting rush of desire, that deep satisfaction in your relationship, or that passion for the transformative work you do.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

You can reclaim your joy, your passion, and your enthusiasm for life, for sex, and for your relationship. 

You can discover new ways to work with clients that excite you. 

You can learn how to help your business leap to the next level, so that you can offer even better care to your clients while increasing your bank account balance.

Individuals & Couples

  • Picture yourself feeling deeply connected with your partner
  • You’ve overcome the sexual tension and now enjoy more passion than you ever imagined
  • You both feel confident asking for what you want

Sexuality Professionals

  • Imagine feeling excited again in your work with your clients
  • New techniques take your clinical excellence to the next level
  • Your clients love your new enthusiasm and refer you to their friends

Sexological Entrepreneurs

  • What would it be like to realize there IS no income ceiling for you?
  • You’ve discovered how to stand out and attract a steady stream of ideal clients
  • Your new business strategies empower you to reach higher

You need a guide on your adventure

To get to the next level, you need to find someone who has already travelled the path you’re on. Someone who will reach back and give you a hand.

Hi, I’m Dr. Patti Britton, and I know firsthand the frustration, struggle, and unfulfillment you’re facing. I’ve been there myself, both personally and professionally.

As a pioneering sexologist with over four decades of experience, I’ve had my fair share of challenges. 

✔ I’ve navigated the shifts in my own intimate relationships as I’ve grown older. 

✔ I’ve faced the ups and downs of building a thriving sex coaching practice and online business. 

✔ I’ve had to continually adapt, innovate, and reinvent myself to stay relevant and effective in an ever-changing world.

I’ve discovered how to rekindle the spark of desire, deepen intimacy, and maintain passionate connection at any age. 

I’ve cracked the code on how to build a successful, impactful, and lucrative sexology practice. 

And now, I’m on a mission to share these secrets with you.

Where do you want to shine?

Whether you’re an individual or couple looking to reignite the passion in your bedroom, a practitioner seeking to expand your skills and impact, or a sexuality professional ready to uplevel your business, I have the proven solutions you need.

If you’re struggling in the bedroom, you need…

Sex Coaching

Specializing in sexless relationships and sex & aging concerns.

If you want to expand your professional offerings, you need…

Sex Coach

The original, most comprehensive sex coach training organization in the world.

If you’re ready to aim higher with your business, you need…


Offering one-on-one or group mentorships and exclusive Masterminds.

If you want to journey into personal sexual healing, you need…


A sacred retreat for professionals to celebrate their authentic sexual selves.

Through personal coaching, professional training, and transformative mentorship programs–all grounded in my unique, holistic model called the MEBES™ Signature System–I’ll guide you from fizzle to sizzle in your personal life, your practice, and your profession.

It's time to reclaim your Sizzle!

Transform your life and achieve your goals through Coaching, Training, Live Intensives, or Mentorship.