Rediscovering Intimacy After Mastectomy

Breast cancer and mastectomy can deeply impact your sense of self and sexuality. But here’s the truth: you can overcome these challenges and feel complete and sexy once again. In this article, I’ll share empowering ways to navigate post-mastectomy sexuality so you can rediscover intimacy after mastectomy.


I will cover body-image issues, and how you can rediscover of erogenous zones, and face the future with courage. By embracing these healing methods, you can reignite your sensuality and embark on a transformative journey towards feeling whole and embracing your unique beauty.


Beating Body-Image Issues


Struggling with body image after a mastectomy is normal, but it doesn’t define your womanhood. Embrace a new perspective: redefine your shape as a symbol of beauty and femininity. Focus on your inner beauty and embrace the uniqueness of your new form.


Start with mental and emotional healing, shift how you speak about your body, and affirm its inherent beauty. Claim your new shape as perfectly beautiful, just the way it is. True beauty radiates from within.


Reintroducing Erogenous Zones


Changes to your breasts don’t diminish your worth, aliveness and attractiveness as a person. Rekindling sensuality is about how you feel about yourself, not just your physical appearance.


Take the time to rediscover pleasure and intimacy beyond your breasts. Explore new ways to experience sensual pleasure and indulge in the sensations that awaken your body. Remember, sensuality encompasses all senses, from touch to taste, sound to scent. Engage in activities promoting intimacy and deeper connections with your partner.


Finding the Courage to Face the Future


Undergoing a mastectomy brings various emotions, including fear and uncertainty. But it can also lead to personal growth and a deeper appreciation for life. Embrace the lessons your journey has taught you and let them guide you towards a life that celebrates resilience.


Reflect on what truly matters to you and how you want to live your life moving forward. You have overcome tremendous challenges, and your strength will continue to propel you forward.


A Journey of Healing and Rediscovery


Reclaiming your wholeness and sensuality after mastectomy is a transformative journey. It requires self-compassion, resilience, and self-discovery. Throughout this blog post, we have explored empowering strategies to navigate post-mastectomy sexuality and find joy in intimate relationships.


Let this journey be a testament to your strength, resilience, and capacity for love. Remember, you are whole, beautiful, and deserving of a vibrant and fulfilling sexual life. If you would like additional support, you can initiate the process for a complimentary sex coaching intake call with me right here.


Embrace your sensuality and embark on a remarkable journey of healing and rediscovery. You deserve it.


Breaking the Silence: The Real Impact of a Sexless Marriage

Are you trapped in a sexless marriage, yearning for intimacy and connection? Well, I’m here to tell you, you’re not alone in this journey. In this blog post, I’ll explain the real impact of a sexless marriage because, trust me, it’s more than just the absence of physical intimacy. 


What is a Sexless Marriage?


In a fascinating study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in 2017, a team of dedicated researchers delved into the lives of nearly 18,000 adults across the United States. Their findings were eye-opening, revealing that a surprising number of married couples had experienced a significant drought in their sexual lives. 


Brace yourself for these jaw-dropping statistics: over 15% of married men and 26% of married women reported not having had sex in the previous year. And if that weren’t enough, a staggering 8.7% of males and 17.5% of females confessed to having gone without it for a whopping five years or more!


Why does it matter?


A sexless marriage goes beyond a lack of physical closeness. It can affect both partners’ emotional connection, self-esteem, and overall well-being. So buckle up! I’m going to illustrate the profound impact of a sexless marriage. Understanding this truth is your first step to finding your way back to a fulfilling, passionate connection. 


Emotional distance: When desire fades, emotional disconnect is not far behind. You might feel lonely, frustrated, and downright resentful, creating a rift in the relationship and leaving you feeling unfulfilled and distant from your partner.


Lack of intimacy: When intimacy is lacking, you can feel emotionally starved and isolated, eroding the very foundation of your relationship. The loss of touch, closeness, trust, and vulnerability can feel incredibly painful.


Impact on self-esteem and confidence: The sad fact is a sexless marriage can mess with your head. I’ve seen it play out in my practice many times. You might start questioning your desirability and worth, ending in a negative cycle of self-doubt and disconnection.

The consequences of a sexless marriage can even extend beyond just the two of you. It can increase your stress levels, decrease your overall happiness, and take a toll on your physical health.


Take Action Today


I tell you this, dear readers, not to make you worry more but to empower you to transform your current reality. Because by recognizing the profound impact of a sexless marriage, you’re primed and ready to take action. Together, you can reignite that desire and create a connection that will leave you both breathless. 


If you’d like further support on this journey, you can initiate the process for a complimentary sex coaching intake call with me right here. If you are a good candidate for working with me as your sex coach, you will receive valuable insights, tools, and exercises to help navigate the challenges of a sexless marriage and support your journey towards re-establishing a fulfilling and passionate connection.


The Beauty of Crying After Sex: Embracing Your Emotional Release

crying during sex

Sexual release can be a profoundly emotional experience for some of us. As we engage in sexual activity, our bodies build and exchange energy, thoughts, emotions, and juices, culminating in an intense release of energy and tension. This can manifest in many ways, including tears. So, I’m here to reassure you that crying after sex is completely natural and normal.


Why am I Crying after Sex?


It’s important to understand that the road to orgasm is different for everyone and can be different each time. It’s perfectly normal to have diverse emotional responses to sex depending on the situation, the partner, and your own emotional state. Each experience is unique, and it’s important to embrace the full range of emotions that can come with sexual release.


Cherishing the Moments of Emotional Release


If you find yourself crying after sex, don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with you. In fact, it’s a beautiful way to release and let go. This is a special moment to cherish and be grateful for your deep connection with your partner. Then, allow yourself to fully embrace the emotional release and let it wash over you.


Seeking Further Understanding


If you’re still feeling unsure or confused about your emotional response to sex, it can be helpful to seek out resources that can provide further understanding. 


Reading books can provide insight into the female body and its sexual capabilities. And if you’d like to go deeper, consider booking a complimentary sex coaching intake  call with me to explore your feelings and experiences in a safe and supportive environment.


Book a Sex Coaching Intake  Call


If you’re interested in learning more about your own sexual response cycle and exploring your emotions surrounding sex, you can book a complimentary sex coaching intake call with me here. Together, we will dive deeper into your experiences and find ways to embrace and celebrate your own unique sexuality.

Understanding and Embracing Your Erotic Dreams

Erotic Dreams

Have you ever had an erotic dream about someone of the same sex, even if you identify as heterosexual? It can be confusing and even distressing for some people. But rest assured. It’s a completely normal experience. In fact, it could even be an opportunity for self-discovery and growth.


Understanding Your Dreams


Dreams are a fascinating and complex part of our lives. They can reflect our conscious and unconscious thoughts, feelings, and experiences. When it comes to sexual dreams, they can be an outlet for our erotic energy and desires. But they can also be a way to process past traumas and emotional issues.


For example, let’s say you’ve had traumatic experiences with men in the past. You may have a dream involving a woman as a safer way for your subconscious to explore your sexuality without triggering past trauma.


Embracing Your Erotic Dreams


It’s important to remember that sexuality is a complex and fluid part of our identity. Just because you’ve always identified as heterosexual doesn’t mean you can’t have erotic thoughts or experiences with someone of the same sex. Likewise, it doesn’t mean you have to identify as bisexual or gay. You can embrace your erotic self without needing to label it.


If you’re interested in exploring your sexuality further, it could be a good time to do so. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to act on your desires. It could mean exploring your fantasies, reading erotic literature, or watching tasteful erotic movies or videos. If you do decide to explore physical intimacy with someone of the same sex, be sure to do so safely and with open communication.


Getting Help and Support


If your dreams are causing you distress or confusion, seeking help and support is important. Talking to a Certified Sex Coach™ can help you understand and process your feelings and experiences. They can also help you explore your sexuality in a safe and healthy way. 


Your dreams are just that – dreams. They don’t define your identity or your worth. Embrace them as a part of your erotic self and use them as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.


If you want to learn more about exploring and embracing your sexuality, consider booking a complimentary sex coaching intake call with me, the Mother of Sex Coaching. You can book it right here. It would be my honor to guide you on your journey towards sexual wellness and fulfillment.

Make-up Sex, Dirty Talk and More: Tips for Hotter Sex with an Ex

make-up sex

Make-up sex can be incredibly hot and hard to resist. Just look at this email I recently received from one of my clients. We’ll call her G.


“My ex and I have recently been talking, and both admitted to being unsatisfied with foreplay and sex with each other. So we’ve decided to give it one last chance. I need any and all suggestions. We want to make it kinky, romantic, fun and enjoyable for both of us. Anything that drives guys crazy, I want to hear. I also need to know some tips on how to relax; I’m too worried about doing everything right that I’m afraid I’m not getting into it myself as much as I should. I want to make this the most amazing night.”


Do you resonate with what G is asking? Then keep reading!


This blog post will share tips for hotter and happier make-up sex with your partner. Whether you’re looking to explore new sexual behaviors, learn from the pros, or relax and enjoy the moment, these tips will help you take your sex life to the next level. So, let’s dive in!


Honesty is Key 


Sex is a natural and vital aspect of our lives but can also be complex and challenging. We all have different desires, needs, and preferences around intimacy, and it’s not always easy to communicate them with our partners. 


But, before you delve into intimacy with an ex-partner, addressing the underlying issues leading to the breakup is essential. Have an honest conversation about what didn’t work in the past and identify what you both want and need moving forward. This will set the foundation for a more fulfilling sexual experience.


Learning from the Pros 


Erotic teaching and women-friendly erotic videos can be great resources for couples exploring new sexual behaviors. Nina Hartley’s video series and Candida Royalle’s films were the go-to erotica in their day. Today there are many other hubs where you can find ethical, erotic entertainment. Shop around. They should offer guidance and role models for sexually assertive women who want to talk dirty with their partners. These can serve as a starting point for developing your own style and preferences.


Relax and Enjoy 


Getting caught up in the pressure of trying to do everything right in bed is easy. However, it’s important to remember that sex is about pleasure and enjoyment. Take deep breaths, let go of your fears and worries, and focus on the sensations and connection between you and your partner. Say positive affirmations to yourself and fully immerse yourself in the moment.


Ready to take your sex life to the next level? 


Book a complimentary sex coaching intake call with me, the Mother of Sex Coaching, right here. You’ll get personalized advice and guidance on improving your sexual experiences. Don’t let your inhibitions keep you from experiencing the pleasure you deserve.


Feeling Undesired at Home: A Sex Coach’s Perspective

Feeling Undesired

Feeling undesired in a long-term relationship is a common issue that many couples face. If you’re reading this, chances are you can relate to this feeling. But don’t worry; you’re not alone, and there is hope. As the Mother of Sex Coaching, I’ve helped many couples reignite the spark in their relationship. 


In this blog post, I’ll share my perspective on how to address feeling undesired at home. This is based on an anonymous question I recently received from a woman feeling incredibly guilty after having an affair in an attempt to feel desirable once again.


Long-term lovers and the challenges that come with it


Being in a long-term relationship comes with its own set of challenges, including maintaining a home, raising children, and managing finances. These responsibilities can take a toll on a person’s emotional and physical well-being, impacting their sexual desire. If you’re feeling undesired at home, it may be worth exploring whether your partner is struggling with stress, depression, or anxiety. A conversation that comes from a place of understanding and support can help you get to the root of the problem.


Attractiveness: It’s not all about looks


It’s easy to believe that feeling undesired at home means you’re no longer attractive. But that’s not necessarily true. Attractiveness is not just about looks; it’s about confidence, energy, and vitality. If you’re feeling down about yourself, take some time to focus on self-care activities that make you feel good, such as exercise or a relaxing bath. Confidence is sexy, and the more you feel good about yourself, the more your partner will be attracted to you.


Porn Discovery: What it may mean


If you’ve discovered that your partner is consuming pornography, it’s understandable to feel upset and hurt. However, it’s essential to understand that pornography does not necessarily mean your partner is no longer attracted to you. Pornography can be a way for individuals to release sexual tension or relieve stress. But if it’s causing a rift in your relationship, having an open and honest conversation with your partner about your feelings and concerns is essential.


Your Affair: What it may reveal


Having an affair is not the solution to feeling undesired at home. However, it can be an opportunity to reflect on your feelings and what you want from your relationship. If your affair has shown you that you’re still desirable, use that knowledge to reignite the spark with your partner. An affair can also be a chance to be honest with yourself and your partner about what you need to feel loved and desired.


Moving forward: How to reignite the spark


Reigniting the spark in a long-term relationship takes effort from both partners. Take some time to talk to your partner about your feelings, desires, and concerns. Be open and honest, and come from a place of support and understanding. Make time for intimacy, whether it’s through sex or other physical touch, such as holding hands or cuddling. And if the issues persist, don’t hesitate to seek help. 



Feeling undesired at home can be a challenging and painful experience. But it’s important to remember that it’s a common issue that many couples face. By focusing on self-care, having open and honest conversations, and seeking help when needed, you can reignite the spark in your relationship and feel desired once again. If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to book a complimentary sex coaching intake with call with me right here.

Sexual Frequency in Marriages Over 50

Sexual frequency

As a sex coach with decades of experience, I’m often asked about sexual frequency in marriages. One question repeatedly arises: “How often do 50-year-old married couples make love?”

I spoke about this in an article for Age Times recently.

It’s a common misconception that sex stops being necessary after a certain age. Still, sexual expression can be just as fulfilling and necessary at age 50 as at age 20. However, the frequency of sex can vary significantly from couple to couple, depending on various factors such as health, work schedules, and communication.

If you find yourself in a sexless marriage, know that you’re not alone.

Many couples go through periods where sex takes a backseat to other responsibilities. Still, it’s important to remember that a fulfilling sex life is vital to a healthy relationship.

So, how often should you be having sex?

The answer is simple: no “right” or “wrong” amount exists. Some couples may make love several times a week, while others may be content with once a month or even less. What’s most important is that you are both on the same page and feel satisfied with the frequency and quality of your sexual interactions.

If you’re in a sexless marriage and feeling stuck, addressing the underlying issues contributing to your lack of intimacy is essential. This could include communication breakdowns, resentment, boredom, or health issues.

Seeking the guidance of a certified sex coach can be tremendously helpful in navigating these challenges and finding ways to reignite the spark in your relationship.

Remember, sexuality is vital to your overall well-being, and it’s never too late to start exploring and experimenting.

Keep yourself sexually alive throughout your lifetime, and don’t be afraid to try new things.

With a little bit of patience, communication, and creativity, you and your partner can enjoy a fulfilling and exciting sex life, regardless of your age or relationship status.

Are you ready to take your sex life to the next level? What’s one new thing you can try with your partner to reignite the spark in your relationship? Share your thoughts in the comments below and let’s keep the conversation going!

Healing After Infidelity

Healing after infidelity

Infidelity can be a devastating blow to any relationship, leaving partners wondering how to move forward and rebuild trust. If you’re struggling with the aftermath of an affair, know that you’re not alone – and that healing is possible.

Last year, one of my clients, we’ll call her N, discovered that her husband was having an online affair. Yikes!

While no physical contact was involved, the emotional pain that infidelity can cause is just as real. And after her husband went through counseling and started taking an antidepressant, N’s next question was, “what now?”

Specifically, she wanted to know what she could do to rebuild trust and intimacy in their relationship and how to forget about the affair.

If you find yourself in the same position as N, here’s my advice.

It can happen to anyone

Take a deep breath. You’re not alone. Infidelity is, unfortunately common, and it can happen to anyone.

I also want to acknowledge that this situation is difficult and has no one-size-fits-all solution. However, I do have a few tips that might help.

Healing from an affair is a long-term process, so don’t expect everything to be fixed overnight.

One of my go-to resources for healing after infidelity is the book After the Affair by Janis Abrahms and Michael Spring. This book provides insight into how to recover from the pain and betrayal of infidelity and how to rebuild trust.

I was glad to hear that N’s partner sought counseling after the affair. I recommend that both partners do this. That can help partners understand the underlying issues that led to the infidelity so they can work on those issues together. Having an outside ally can be incredibly helpful during this time.

Now, let’s talk about antidepressants. This medication can be a real lifesaver for people struggling with depression and anxiety. However, it can also cause sexual side effects like low libido and difficulty with orgasms.

If your partner is experiencing these side effects, they must talk to their doctor. Then, they may be able to switch to a different medication that doesn’t have these side effects or add in a mitigating medication.

Here’s one negative fallout of infidelity that surprises many couples: it can be that magical wake-up call to get your sexual relationship back on track! So, sometimes what seems like a bad thing turns out to be the gift that keeps on giving.

Finally, I want to remind you that taking care of yourself is important during this time. Celebrate your own sexuality in ways that make you feel good. For example, buy yourself some sexy lingerie, go to a day spa, or take some time to masturbate.

Whatever makes you feel alive and vibrant in the sex department, go for it! And when you’re ready, don’t be afraid to seek a sexologist who can help get you and your partner back on track.

Remember, you’re not alone in this. Healing from infidelity takes time, but it is possible. So stay strong, take care of yourself, and don’t be afraid to seek help when needed. Get in touch today to learn how you can restore your relationship and move forward after an affair.

How to Have Stronger Orgasms

stronger orgasms

Are you tired of chasing the elusive ‘Big O’ and never quite reaching that peak of pleasure? Well, fear not, because today we will explore the secrets to having stronger and more satisfying orgasms.

You know, that feeling of pure bliss and release we all crave during sex? Well, what happens when it’s not quite strong enough? Fear not because I’m here to help.

First and foremost, let’s establish that YOU are responsible for your own orgasm. That’s right. It’s up to you to know your own body and what it needs to reach that pinnacle of pleasure.

Communication is essential!

That being said, it’s important to communicate with your partner about your desires and needs for sexual attention. I’m sure your partner wants to please you, too!

One key to a stronger orgasm is building up tension and anticipation through plenty of foreplay. This can include romantic talk, gentle caressing, deep tongue kissing, breast fondling, and all the other lovely (or “nasty”) things that get you in the mood.

And let’s not forget the power of oral sex! It’s not just foreplay. It’s sex in its own right.

But it’s not just about physical stimulation. Adding a touch of love and emotional connection can make a big difference, too.

Remember, sex is like electricity, and your body is the transformer. So if the sexual charge doesn’t build up enough, the orgasmic release won’t be as strong as it could be.

Ready to take your sexual experience to the next level? Book a call with a me today and discover personalized strategies for stronger, more satisfying orgasms. Don’t wait – start your journey towards sexual fulfillment now!

Understanding Sexual Flush

sexual flush

Have you ever experienced a sudden rush of heat and redness during or after sex? Don’t worry; it’s probably sexual flush and it’s entirely natural!

Recently, a client of mine, D, asked me if she was allergic to sex due to a rash she noticed on her neck and chest during a sexual encounter. However, what D experienced was not an allergic reaction but a sexual flush, a typical bodily response to sexual stimulation. In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into the sexual response cycle and explain why sexual flush is nothing to be worried about.

During our consultation, D explained that she noticed little red splotches on the right side of her neck that went down to her chest, which she found bothersome. Her boyfriend found it cute, but D was still worried about it. So, what’s going on here?

A natural part of the sexual response cycle

Well, my friends, let me introduce you to a natural part of the sexual response cycle: sexual flush. This is what D experienced during sex. Sexual flush is a typical bodily response in some people more prominently than others. It’s a sign that your body is functioning correctly and reacting to sexual stimulation.

The sexual response cycle has several phases, from “vague stirring” or attraction to the final resolution phase. During the excitement and plateau phases, the body experiences heat throughout, especially in the groin area, and other physical signs such as wetness, color changes in the genitals, swelling of the vulva tissue, breast swelling, and nipple erection.

At orgasm, the body experiences a release of sexual tension, including rapid and heavy breathing, darkening of the genitals, opening of the vaginal canal, increased sensations, wetness, and sometimes curling of the toes, and the spread of a sexual flush.

So, dear readers, if you experience a sexual flush during sex, don’t fret.

It’s completely normal and a sign that your body is functioning properly. So instead of viewing it as a nuisance, try to embrace it as a pleasurable ending to sex. This phenomenon could also have led to folks saying, “I’m so hot for you!” Just saying.

Remember, sex is a beautiful and natural part of life, and there is no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed about your body’s responses.

I hope this information has uplifted and empowered you to embrace your sexual self.

So, embrace your sexual self and enjoy the beautiful and natural experience of sex, including the wonderful sexual flush. If you have any concerns or questions I’m here to support you. Remember, you deserve to have a fulfilling and satisfying sex life. Now, go out there and have fun!